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Visiting to Indonesia
A WebQuest for 9-12 Grade (Social Science)
Designed by: 
Abdul Rajak Husain
Email me, click here:

Indonesian Flag

Map of Indonesia

Indonesian Coat of Arms

Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | CreditsTeacher Page

Your family has a plan to visit some interesting places in Indonesia next year. One of the places that they want to visit is Bali. Bali is one of the most famous places in the world. Many people in the world know well about Bali, but they do not know about Indonesia. Bali is a small island and it is a name of a province in Indonesia.

Since the tragedy of the Bali bombings on Saturday, October 12, 2002, which about 186 people were killed, your family feel so sad and worried. However, they do not want to cancel their plan to visit Indonesian country next year. Like other people in the world, your parents do not know well about Indonesian country. Therefore, they ask you and your friends to find and collect some useful information about Indonesian country, so they may enjoy their trip to Indonesia.

Now, you and your friends in group of three students will collect and search data and information about Indonesia. You are divided into four groups. Each group has its own project, but each group has to support each other in order to get a complete and useful information about Indonesian country.

The Task

You and your friends are divived into four groups. Each grup consists of three students. Here are what you have to do in your group project.

  • Group I will search and gather information related to the geography of Indonesia, including the map, islands, provinces, and other areas;
  • Map of Indonesia

    Geography of Indonesia
    1. Click the map of Indonesia, then find the names of islands and and cities that you can see in the map. 
    2. Find the information about Indonesian geography here. Remember, you have to make a note for the useful information you get, such as the total number of islands in Indonesia, major islands, the location of Indonesian territory on the latitude and longitude, and provinces. To get more information about Indonesian provinces, you can visit other sites, such as Mindspring, Insan Web, the World-Gazetteer, Country and Regions

    Indonesian People 
    Indonesian People
    1. Search and visit some sites, such as the World Factbook 2002 by CIA, Deplu, Indonesian Embassy (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia), Overview of Indonesia, Tourism Indonesia, Jakarta-Dhaka, and Infoplease
    2. Make a note about some information related to Indonesian people, such as the total number population in 2002, tribes or ethnic groups, languages, religions, cultures, and their traditions.

    Indonesian soldier (Heiho) in Japanese 
    Colonial Era

    Indonesian History
    1. Go to some sites about Indonesia history, such as Embassy of Indonesia for Canada, Line of Indonesia, Network of Indonesia, Info Indo, and the History of Indonesia
    2. Write some information about Indonesian history. Make sure that you write only the information that you think is very important, such as the Independence Day, Colonial Era, and the periods of Indonesian history.

    Indonesian Coat of Arms

    Indonesian Government
    1. Find some information about Indonesia government. You can search and visit some sites, such as Factbook 2002 by CIA, New Government, Country Report, and Indonesian Government 2000
    2. Make a brief summary about the information you get. Make sure that you write about the country name, government type, the capital of the country, adminstrative devisions (provinces), independence day, the constitution, national anthem, and the president.

    Toraja Houses

    Visiting to Indonesia
    1. Find some interesting places in Indonesia, such as in Bali, Java, Lombok, Sulawesi, and Sumatra.
    2. Find some information about interesting places to visit and accomodation (hotels), in certain cities or areas, like Jakarta, Minangkabau, Lombok, Bali, Malang, Manado, Gorontalo & Togian Islands, and others
    3. Make a short summary about the places you have visited.



    Each member of group will be given an individual grade (25 %), a participation grade (25 %), and a project grade (50 %) which will be added together to a comprise a major test grade (100 %).

    Aspects of Evaluation
    Coperation/ Participation The student has minimal input in group effort and activities. The student works well with other in the group effort and activities. The student organizes and contributes full to the group effort and activities.  
    Content The group provides  certain information in the project, but it is unclear and incomplete. The group provides useful information about the project: clear, brief, and complete, but still needs any supporting details. The group provides very clear, brief, complete, and useful information with some supporting details.  
    Format The group creates a simple and minimal format for the final draft, having numerous spelling and gramatical errors. The group creates a good format for the final draft, having a few spelling and gramatical errors. The group creates a complete final draft with supporting detail, having a little errors on spelling and grammar.  
    Presentation The group just reads the their final project, no supporting details. The group presents their final project in front of the class, with some difficulties in giving supporting details. The group presents their final project using powerpoint in front of the class with fewer difficulties in giving supporting details.  
    Final Draft (Summary) The group writes a final draft using a word processor contains minimal information regarding sites to be visited. The group writes a final draft using a word processor contains useful information regarding the sites to be visited. The group writes a final draft with word processor and powerpoint for presentation, contains useful and complete information with some details regarding the sites to be visited.  
    Total grades:                                      /15


    Congratulation! You have successfully done your project. You have provided useful information about Indonesia. Now, many people in the world will know about Indonesia. You gave them a lot of information about Indonesian country, such as the geography, areas, islands, provinces, history, government, some interesting places, languages, ethnic groups or tribes, and the population.

    Credits & References

    I would like to thank the following people, groups, organizations as the resources for this project.

    My Website
    Web-Based Lesson
    Lesson Plan
    Teacher Page


    @ Copyright 2002

    Abdul Rajak Husain

    Last Updated: December 4, 2002